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Chris Sumka Tile Artist
Currently Available
Archive Gallery
Video Gallery
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Currently available
"Lime Vespa" 21"X 43"
"Lime Vespa" 21"X 43"
"Lime Vespa" 21"X 43"
"Lime Vespa" 21"X 43"
"Lime Vespa" 21"X 43"
"This seat is taken" 26"X49"
"This seat is taken" 26"X49"
"This seat is taken" 26"X49"
"This seat is taken" 26"X49"
"This seat is taken" 26"X49"
"This seat is taken" 26"X49"
"This seat is taken" 26"X49"
"On Our way to Market"18"X28"
"On Our way to Market"18"X28"
"On Our way to Market"18"X28"
"17 Clairvaux st."21"X30"
"17 Clairvaux st."21"X30"
"17 Clairvaux st."21"X30"
"17 Clairvaux st."21"X30"
"17 Clairvaux st."21"X30"
"17 Clairvaux st."21"X30"
"Farraha's Fiat"22"X24"
"Farraha's Fiat"22"X24"
"Farraha's Fiat"22"X24"
"Farraha's Fiat"22"X24"
"Farraha's Fiat"22"X24"
"See-ya at the Pub" 30"X49"
"See-ya at the Pub" 30"X49"
"See-ya at the Pub" 30"X49"
"See-ya at the Pub" 30"X49"
"See-ya at the Pub" 30"X49"
"See-ya at the Pub" 30"X49"
"See-ya at the Pub" 30"X49"
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